The Future Makers
Imagine a world without poverty, hunger, and gender inequality. Picture every child growing to be healthy, wealthy in wisdom and opportunity, and a leader in their community. Or better yet, make it happen. Join The Future Makers, a dedicated group of small business partners working to ensure every child can go to school.
Organic Barky Bites
It wasn’t enough for Organic Barky Bites to make clean and healthy dog treats from human-grade ingredients that make any dog’s life wonderful. On a mission to outdo themselves, they also had to go the extra mile and create a brighter future for generations to come. Founded by an amazing teacher and dog lover, Mrs. Bennett, Organic Barky Bites has been one of our most committed partners in our ambition to bring education to every child on the planet.
Join The Future Makers and give education
Change absolutely everything by funding education projects that help kids go to school for the first time and connect with your community in a meaningful way.
So…make the future bright
Join The Future Makers to give children the opportunity to learn for the first time and bring their Dreams to life.