How we work
There’s a $200 billion funding gap for education every year in low and lower-middle income countries. Since our start, we’ve believed we should help where the need for schooling is the greatest, so we partner with local organizations in developing countries to help kids learn for the first time.
Local-first, always.
With a local-first mindset, we provide grants to education projects around the world, helping more kids attend school. We believe local leaders know their communities best, so we provide them with the support they need to help increase access to education.

Project Yesu is a charity working to support children and their families
Project Yesu has uplifted children in Uganda and their families through life-changing support, like food and medical care, for over a decade. In 2014, they noticed an education gap — since schools in Uganda are not free, many families can’t afford to pay for their kids’ tuition. So, Project Yesu began a scholarship program that’s currently helping over 300 children attend boarding school. We're thrilled to join forces with Project Yesu to provide students with scholarships to help them continue their education.
They’re the local organizations in developing countries we partner with that lead the design, implementation, and evaluation of education projects. They understand their communities best to own and operate successful education projects after we help fund them. Local partners can be locally-created nonprofits or international NGOs with a local presence.
Our vetted local partners have a keen understanding of their communities and have earned the trust of the families and children they serve over years of service. Thanks to their commitment and experience, we are confident investing in local organizations is the best way to create sustainable development.
Above all else, dream: success looks for partners that advance our ambition to bring quality education to every child on the planet. We take the time to talk with potential partners to evaluate their approach to education projects and if we share a commitment to high-value and transparent work. Each local partner must have the capacity and resources to implement and routinely report on education projects with sustainability in mind.
Our local partners understand bringing education to their communities requires close listening and collaboration with families, teachers, leaders, governments, and businesses. In addition to providing education directly, our partners can help children have other resources that indirectly support their education, like adequate sanitation facilities, food, medical care, and counseling. Lastly, they are transparent and accountable to their work and share reports or updates with us openly.
This is a great question we get often, so you can learn more here. The short answer is education is the key to solving the greatest issues facing our global community, like poverty and inequality, and the greatest need is in developing countries.